聖嚴法師 108自在語

聖嚴法師 108自在語 Android Widget 安裝桌面Widget步驟:

步驟1:下載 APP:https://market.android.com/details?id=tw.org.ddm.widget  登入手機帳號,可線上安裝到手機。
步驟2:找一個桌面,選新增->小工具->點選: 108 自在語 Widget



Installation steps:
Step1: back to the desktop.
Step2: press the menu button of the phone.
Step3: select "Add", "Widget", and select "108 Adages of Wisdom.

Thanks to Master Sheng-Yen, the founder of Dharma Drum Mountain for leaving these inspiring words. May all of you be at ease, healthy, and happy!